About Us

Passion Horse was born from curiosity and love of knowledge that push us to go further and closer to the horses’ mental and physical system. We want to communicate with them by moving into their territory to allow them to better understand us.

Our adventure starts about 15 years ago thanks to a dream. This dream was an adult’s dream, but thanks to a “crazy horse” this adult could connect with his inner child and find a new self. From that moment on he started questioning his own life and looking for personal growth occasions. This path eventually led him to work with horses for a living. The years went by and the number of horses he worked with was increasing as well as the people embracing this dream and trying to convey it to others. This is how we started our shows and the horsebackriding school. The association needed a bigger space until we finally moved to the current location where we count more than 50 horses.

Our Mission

Our first mission is to convey other people love and respect for horses. Respect stems from knowledge. When you know the horses and their mental system you can meet their needs and comunicate with them. If this happens we can build a cooperative relationship where both person and horse can feel valued and apreciated.

This is also why it’s very important for us to give this message: horses were not born to be at our service, we need to give them the opportunity to express themselves, be with other horses, build their own personality. In this way horses are healthier, more cooperative with us and they are especially more sensitive to us.

Horses are social animals, they live in herds and they can understand each other and in doing so they are able to survive. All these skills are true even when relating with the humans. Horses can become “a mirror” when facing human feelings, in a very clear and straightforward way.

Engaging with this animal allows us to undertake a proper self-exploration and gain more awareness of our emotions.

Modern science has found evidence of an important connection between humans and horses: as a matter of fact they are sensitive to the electromagnetic field generated by our hearts and vice-versa. As the heart activity is very indicative of our feelings it can be easily explained how these animals are so good at understanding us (see Ellen Gehrke and Hearth Math Institute’s reasearch).

Il cavallo, infatti, è un animale sociale che vive in branco; vivendo in gruppo ha sviluppato la capacità di interpretare finemente il linguaggio dei suoi simili attraverso una comunicazione non verbale, garantendogli così la sopravvivenza. Tale capacità si riflette anche nei confronti dell’uomo: essi sono in grado di fare da “specchio” alle emozioni umane, in modo chiaro e diretto. Entrare in relazione con questo animale ci permette così di compiere un vero e proprio lavoro interiore alla riscoperta del proprio sé, acquisendo una maggiore consapevolezza delle proprie emozioni.

Le moderne ricerche scientifiche hanno dimostrato l’esistenza di un legame invisibile tra uomo e cavallo: i cavalli sono sensibili al campo elettromagnetico prodotto dal nostro cuore, e viceversa. E poiché l’attività cardiaca è un valido indicatore del proprio stato emotivo, ciò spiegherebbe perché questi animali siano così abili nel leggerci dentro (per approfondire: vedi le ricerche di Ellen Gehrke e dell’Istituto HeartMath).

Our Team

Christian Poggese

Ranch owner and instructor

Fiamma Pravato


Anna Baruzzo

Clinical-Dynamic Psychology Graduate

Nicola Zabeo

Logistics and Management

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